When is the right time to seek help?

The opposite of addiction is connection, getting clean cannot happen alone.
Our Companions Services will walk beside you to an addiction/ sober free life.

Are you or someone you love suffering from addiction and in need of help? Contact our Companion Services Team now. (insert contact now)

We are your confidential experts. We work with people one on one, even in their homes if needed, in what is best described as a partnership. Our team are trained detox, sobriety, and recovery companion support specialists and all have first-hand lived experience. We know what an addict is going through and that change is possible with a combination of professional expertise and liberal helpings of kindness, compassion, empathy and honesty.

We are often asked “when is the right time to seek help?”. There is a common misconception that the addiction has to be life threatening in order to seek treatment. This isn’t true, the sooner you or your loved ones reach out for help, the sooner the chains of addiction can be broken.

We are privileged and dedicated to support those who want the opportunity of reclaiming their full humanity.


Trustees of young men with developmental issues are faced with problems at times most Trustees are ill-equipped to deal with. Alcohol, methamphetamine, gambling, diabetes, lying, as a constant mix, is potentially damaging to dwindling finances but, more drastically, to the life expectancy of the young Trust beneficiary.

Honourable Phil Recordon

As the mother of an alcoholic living many miles away from Auckland, feeling powerless to help or even understand the evils of alcoholism, Recovery Companions were a god send! They were recommended to me by someone in Christchurch who knew of Mitchell and his insight and commitment to helping addicts recover.

(Name withheld)

After years of drug and alcohol addiction my child finally decided that help was needed. With help we found a Residential Rehab where he stayed for some six months. This was seven days a week, 24 hours per day and without them he would most definitely be dead.

(Name withheld)